Japan Interim Management K.K.

Quick start-up for your Japanese business presence.

JIM provides a comprehensive office start-up service. This service allows clients to set up their own offices quickly and efficiently. Many of our clients are not satisfied with their Japanese sales agents. Once the client decides to cancel the agency contract and continue on their own, JIM provides a comprehensive service and eventually hands over the operations to an expatriate or locally appointed manager.

The whole process usually takes 6 months.


Transfer assistance

  • Negotiate a settlement with the sales agent
  • Transfer of business from the agent to the new company
  • Related public relations and damage control

 Company incorporation

  • Liaise with corporate and tax lawyers to facilitate the incorporation
  • Mr. Enters’ name to be used as “resident representative director”
  • JIM address to be used for initial company registration
  • Draw up the draft articles of incorporation and purpose of the company
  • Arrange for the set up of the office accounting and administration procedures

 Office set up

  • Location hunting for the new office
  • Negotiate the purchase of office material, phone lines, phone systems etc.
  • Coordinate the purchase of computers and related software for accounting and administration.


  • Negotiate employment agreements with staff to be hired
  • Set up the company rules and regulations
  • Set up the company remuneration and retirement systems
  • Set up the social security filings
  • Set up the income tax filings

 Marketing, Sales and PR activities

  • Arrange for a trade mailing and a press announcement
  • Arrange for a press interviews at the time of the official announcement to the trade
  • Assist in the production of Japanese sales material
  • Assist in the preparation of contract drafts suitable for Japan
  • Any other activities to be agreed on.

 Coaching of the client’s permanent general manager after the JIM assignment ends

  • Coaching the GM in the art of Japanese management and how to deal with Japanese subordinates
  • Coach the GM in the consolidation and fiscal reporting systems
  • Coaching the GM in employee evaluation sessions and the setting of goals and objectives per employee.

Source: http://www.japan-jim.com/

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